our Damask rose products


At Aromatic Gold, we take pride in supplying the finest Damascus rose from Iran. As passionate advocates for sustainable agriculture, we offer our products in two types of farming systems – rainfed and irrigated. This allows us to cater to a wider audience while also promoting diverse farming practices. In this article, we will explore the benefits and differences between rainfed and irrigated farming, shedding light on the place where the world's largest rainfed plain of Damascus rose is located.

Rainfed Farming

Rainfed farming refers to agricultural practices that solely rely on natural rainfall for crop cultivation, without the supplementary use of irrigation. Our rainfed farming approach for growing Damascus rose ensures a strong connection to nature, leveraging the local climate and precipitation patterns. By capitalizing on the abundance of rainfall and not depleting additional water sources, we maintain an environmentally friendly approach while producing high-quality roses.

The variety of climates and unlimited climates for cultivation and harvesting of various types of flowers and buds with different uses in Iran have made it possible to produce and grow Damascus rose in both rainfed and irrigated forms. Accordingly, part of the production of this flower includes harvesting all kinds of Damascus rose from the plains and areas that are not known as fields for growing this flower.

If the harvested product has grown without any irrigation or injection of poisons and fertilizers, it can be referred to as an organic rose. The most important characteristic of dried and organic Mohammedan flowers is their quality and wide applications that can be seen in the fields of pharmaceuticals and traditional medicine. On the other hand, organic products are known as the main options for export to European countries.

Benefits of Rainfed Farming

  • Sustainable: Rainfed farming is environmentally sustainable as it minimizes the usage of water resources by relying on natural rainfall.

  • Cost-effective: With no need for irrigation systems or water inputs, rainfed farming can be an economically viable option for growers and consumers alike.

  • Flavorful and aromatic roses: The unique natural composition of rainwater contributes to the exceptional fragrance and flavor profile of our rainfed Damascus rose.

Discovering Iran's Rainfed Damascus Rose Plain

Unveiling the natural beauty

Unbeknownst to many, Iran is home to one of nature's true marvels - the world's largest rainfed Damascus rose plain. Located in the picturesque landscapes of this enchanting country, this plain offers a breathtaking sight that captures the essence of the beauty bestowed upon us by Mother Earth.

The World's Largest Rainfed Plain of Damascus Rose

Situated in the picturesque landscapes of Iran, the world's largest rainfed plain of Damascus rose provides an ideal environment for cultivating this cherished flower. Spanning across vast expanses, the area benefits from ample rainfall, enriched soil, and favorable climatic conditions. The combination of these factors fosters the growth of Damascus rose bushes, resulting in exquisite and sought-after blooms.


Related to Darab city (Fars Province)
To the east of Darab, there is a forest covered by gardens of roses, which is known as Layzangan. This valley containing sufficient water, verdant gardens along with beautiful natural landscapes is considered to be one of the places worth seeing besides being a recreational region of the Darab township.

Layza Ngan village is the center of Kohistan village, one of the functions of Rastaq district of Darab city. This village is located 75 km from Darab city and 35 km from Rastaq (district center). In terms of geographic coordinates.

Irrigated Farming

In contrast to rainfed farming, we also employ the practice of irrigated farming to cater to various demands and ensure a year-round supply of Damascus rose. Irrigated farming involves using controlled water supply, whether through irrigation systems or water management techniques, to provide crops with sufficient hydration.

Benefits of Irrigated Farming

  • Consistent production: Irrigated farming allows for a steady and predictable yield as water can be supplied in controlled amounts during all seasons.

  • Carefully regulated growth: Through irrigation, we can tailor the moisture levels and nutrients provided to the Damascus rose bushes, optimizing their growth potential.

  • Reducing weather limitations: By mitigating the impact of droughts or irregular rainfall patterns, irrigated farming helps mitigate the risks associated with unpredictable weather conditions. 

Choosing Between Rain-fed and Irrigated Damascus Rose

While both rain-fed and irrigated farming have their merits, choosing between them depends on various factors. As an informed consumer, you can consider the following:

Environmental impact:

Rainfed farming minimizes the use of additional water resources and has a lower ecological footprint. Opting for rainfed Damascus rose supports sustainable agriculture and conserves natural resources.

Flavor and characteristics:

Rainfed Damascus rose features distinct qualities derived from its reliance on natural rainfall. If you value the unique taste and aroma of these roses, the rainfed variety might be the perfect choice for you.

Availability and consistency:

Irrigated farming ensures a consistent year-round supply of Damascus rose, as it is less dependent on weather conditions. If you desire a regular availability of these beautiful flowers, the irrigated variety will suit your needs.

Different types of our products:

Our buds and petals are offered in four qualities in terms of size, color and aroma.

quality A+: this product is known as the main export option and usually has a higher price compared to other products. 

  • The most fragrance and smell 
  •  bigger size
  •  more colorful

quality A:

quality B+: rain-fed type

quality B: Irrigated type

Embrace the Essence of Iran's Damascus Rose

As we invite you to explore our exquisite range of products, we encourage you to embrace the allure and elegance of the Damascus rose from Iran. From its captivating aroma to its therapeutic benefits and culinary applications, this flower truly encapsulates the beauty and richness that nature has to offer. Join us on this journey of sensory delight and discover the splendor of the world's largest rain-fed Damascus rose plain that lies within each petal.


In conclusion, Aromatic Gold takes pride in offering two types of farming – rain-fed and irrigated – to provide you with the finest Damascus rose from Iran. Whether you appreciate the sustainability and uniqueness of rainfed farming or the year-round availability and consistent quality of irrigated farming, we have the perfect option to fulfill your preferences. By choosing our products, you support the cultivation of Damascus roses in the world's largest rainfed plain, fostering a connection to nature and promoting sustainable agriculture practices.


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