Characteristics of the Iranian Damascus rose



The Iranian Damascus rose, scientifically known as Rosa damascene, is a captivating flower that has been cherished for centuries due to its exceptional beauty and aromatic properties. Renowned for its exquisite fragrance, this unique cultivar has a distinct set of characteristics that set it apart from other rose varieties. In this article, we will delve into the remarkable features that make the Iranian Damascus rose a prized gem in the world of horticulture and perfumery.

Origins and Cultivation

  • The Iranian Damascus rose originates from the mountainous regions of Iran, particularly in areas with a temperate climate and rich, well-drained soil.

  • This beautiful flower requires a specific combination of conditions to thrive, including cool winters, warm summers, and a sufficient amount of sunlight.

  • Iranian farmers have mastered the art of cultivating the Damascus rose through generations, carefully selecting and grafting the most superior specimens to ensure the preservation of its exceptional traits.

Appearance and Growth Habit

  • The Iranian Damascus rose boasts an elegant appearance with intricate layers of delicately arranged petals in various shades of pink, ranging from pale blush to deep magenta.

  • Its blooms are known for their distinctive cup shape, exhibiting a slightly flattened center and gently curving outer petals.

  • This rose variety typically grows as a sprawling, deciduous shrub that can reach a height of up to 5 feet, showcasing its stunning flowers against a backdrop of lush green foliage.

  • Rosa × damascene (Latin for damascene rose), more commonly known as the Damask rose, or sometimes as the Bulgarian rose, Turkish rose, Taif rose, Arab rose, Ispahan rose and Castile rose, is a rose hybrid, derived from Rosa gallica and Rosa Moschetta.

After the petals fall, its fruit is round fleshy or 1.5 cm long, which are inside the jug-shaped protrusion under the petals. Roses have a range of colors from light and medium pink to bright red.


The history of rose cultivation dates back to the Achaemenid period in Fars province. It is said that the rose was brought from Syria to Europe by a warrior named Robert de Berry in the 13th century.

This flower is native to the central mountains of Iran and Alborz. Damascus rose has been cultivated in Iran for a long time, but since its extract and rose water went to Europe from Damascus, the Europeans called it Damascus rose.

Aromatic gold

Damascus rose is from the rose family and its usable part is its dry or fresh flowers and buds. Damascus rose is called Aromatic gold and the reason for this name is that it is the primary ingredient of perfumery in perfumery factories all over the world.

Scientific classification

Family: Rosaceae

Gender: Rosa

Scientific: R. damascene

Persian: گل محمدی, گل سرخ, گل گلاب, گل سوری, گل سرخ صد پر

Arabic: ورد جوری, ورد دمشق, ورو بلدی, وردالاهم

English: Damask rose, Persian rose, monthly rose, York and Lancoster rose.

German: Roos, Damaszenerrose.

Native region: mostly in Asia, with species in Europe, North America and Northwest Africa


Summer Damascus rose: The first category of Damascus roses is called old or spring roses. They have the appearance characteristics that have the pink colors of the petals. This category is the same group that includes the largest part of the fields of Damascus rose that are cultivated in the world and especially in Iran. In fact, this type is the same type of Damascus rose that is cultivated by farmers.

The second category of roses is called new or autumn Damascus roses: This category of flowers has a shrub structure and has red and pink petals. They are in the form of an open cluster whose flower diameter sometimes reaches 9 cm. We call this category "Autumn Damascus Rose" because its flowering season is in autumn or late summer.

Flowering time of Damascus rose.

The time of opening of flowers is from early May to early July. In each region, it takes 20-30 days for the flowers to open.

The flowers last for a maximum of one day, and after that, the beautiful pink color of the petals turns to white, and with a slight breeze, the petals fall.

Damascus rose in Iran.

There are mainly Damascus rose farms in 14 provinces of the

Iran, and the largest area under Damascus rose cultivation in the country is Fars, Isfahan, Markai, Qom, Semnan, Kerman and East Azerbaijan, respectively.

The areas cultivated with Damascus rose are mostly mountainous areas and dry and semi-arid climates with mild and dry summers and cold winters. Although Damascus rose grows in different climatic and natural conditions, but in terms of quality, it should be grown in a special environment where summer and semi-arid climate is the best environment for the quality of its fragrance.

This flower grows best at a temperature of 15 to 21 degrees. But if the temperature difference between day and night is 5 to 10 degrees, the flowers will be more fragrant.

The world's largest Damascus rose meadow is located in the villages of Navaygan and Layza Ngan (of Darab) with an area of ​​about 5000 hectares, where flowers are cultivated by rain-fed method. Other areas under the cultivation of Damascus rose include the provinces of Kerman, Fars (Meymand), Isfahan (Kashan) and East Azerbaijan, and in the rest of the provinces, cultivation is more scattered. The best and highest quality of Damascus rose in the world is harvested in Iran.

Unique Fragrance

  • The intoxicating fragrance of the Iranian Damascus rose is one of its most distinguishing characteristics and has long been celebrated in the world of perfumery.

  • Its scent is often described as a harmonious blend of sweet floral notes with subtle hints of citrus and spice, creating an alluring and seductive aroma.

  • The Damascus rose's fragrance is highly complex, composed of multiple volatile compounds that interact to produce a truly enchanting olfactory experience.

Therapeutic and Medicinal Uses

  • Beyond its aesthetic and olfactory appeal, the Iranian Damascus rose also holds significant therapeutic value.

  • Its essential oil, derived from the delicate petals, is widely used in various skincare and cosmetic products due to its rejuvenating and soothing properties.

  • The oil's natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant characteristics make it a popular ingredient in formulations aimed at enhancing skin health and promoting a youthful complexion.

  • Additionally, the Damascus rose has been utilized in traditional medicine for its potential calming and mood-enhancing effects, often employed in aromatherapy to reduce anxiety and induce relaxation.

Cultural Significance

  • The Iranian Damascus rose carries immense cultural significance in Iran and throughout the Middle East, where it has been an integral part of various traditions, art forms, and folklore for centuries.

  • In Persian literature, poetry, and music, references to the Damascus rose abound, symbolizing beauty, love, and eternal youth.

  • The flower has also found its place in culinary practices, with the petals being used to infuse jams, teas, and desserts with their delicate flavor and enticing aroma.

  • Every spring, festivals and gatherings centered around the blooming of the Damascus rose are held in Iran, further highlighting the deep-rooted appreciation for this cherished flower.


The Iranian Damascus rose stands as a true testament to nature's grace and beauty. With its captivating appearance, alluring fragrance, and versatile applications, it has rightfully earned its place as one of the most beloved rose varieties in the world. Whether adorning a garden, enhancing cosmetic products, or adding a touch of enchantment to cultural traditions, this exquisite flower continues to mesmerize and enchant people from all walks of life, leaving an indelible mark on both the senses and the soul.


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